Where Do WE Go From Here?

With everything that has transpired in the world since I last wrote to you (less than thirty short days ago), I struggled to come up with content for this newsletter (for obvious reasons). I wanted to write to you a couple of weeks ago, because probably like you, I...

Aging is an Inside Job

They say you are in fact three people; who you were, who you are and who you will become. Sometimes those three people can appear over a lifetime, a year or in a very instant. I for one would not recognize the person I was at 20, 30 or even 40. In fact, life...

Change Equals Energy.

Robert Ringer said “The quickest way to change one thing in your life is to change everything”, and boy did I change everything in my life since my last newsletter. Before I tell you what changed, let me first thank every single person who wrote to me...

Imagine Beauty

Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is the language of the soul. It’s the preview of life’s coming attractions”. I think we can all agree there’s has been a lot to become depressed or negative about...