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We personally reply to each and every email that comes in (we don’t outsource customer service to an over worked, underpaid lackey who won’t give your email the attention it deserves).

This takes time to respond in a thoughtful way.

So be patient, it’s worth it.

1 + 10 =

If you are a beauty editor, beauty blogger, public relations specialist, or marketing director and want to work with us (and frankly, who wouldn’t?) read this before contacting us:

I’m Jennifer Waller, founder and CEO of Celtic Complexion Luxury Artisan Skincare, and I have an important message…

It will happen to you, too.

One day, you will wake up and all of a sudden the things that once filled you with joy and excitement no longer give you a thrill: the trendy hot spot downtown, the must-have nude lipstick, the perfect black dress.

Not only that, but the things you once coveted become a distant memory. I’m actually relieved because I am not the same twenty-something that had all of that time for product research in Allure Magazine and disposable income (i.e. before kids)

The truth is, I’m not trendy, I wear yoga pants as a uniform and I covet my privacy. In other words, I can’t Keep Up With the Kardashians.

What I do know is that I make the world’s best skincare products. In fact, my products are the best skincare products you’ve never heard of. Hand-crafted, created in small batches with rare and precious ingredients…and DON’T get me started on the amazing properties of ingredients from the Himalayan Mountains, I could talk for hours about that subject alone (I know, I’m riveting at parties!)

Whereas once I could spend an evening dancing the night away at the Fountainebleau Hotel (and actually function on three hours of sleep), these days I spend most days reading up on ingredients, writing hand-written notes to our customers or making my husband test-drive my latest creation.
In other words, I eat-sleep-breathe skincare.  After all, don’t you want your skincare guru to be obsessed with ingredients? I know – we both know – that sexy ads in glossy magazines are beautiful to look at, but you will never be able to compete with Photoshop.

Contouring, strobing, Kylie’s lip plumping secrets, or the virtues of a perfect brow don’t interest me. Likewise, I can’t name-drop celebrities, or impress you with a million likes or shares on social media. I’m just an analog girl living in a digital world and would rather connect IRL.

But, when you look in the mirror and aren’t happy with what you see, I’m the person you want on speed dial… because although I didn’t invent the wheel, I completely redefined it. I can make you love your skin again, given the opportunity. Gen X’rs and Baby Boomers, we need to talk. Millennials, enjoy your day in the sun, I’ll be waiting for your call.

My tribe is women who are confident, healthy and content. I empower women with clean products and a dose of healthy reality.

If you think this would be of interest to your audience, I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about a product review or collaboration. Fair warning though, I don’t do desk-sides, public speaking or wear Spanx (no matter how fancy the occasion).