Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is the language of the soul. It’s the preview of life’s coming attractions”.

I think we can all agree there’s has been a lot to become depressed or negative about this year and I have had my fair share of tears about global events.


Being a person who likes to walk on the sunny side of the street, I made a decision to just imagine things were different (even if nothing proved to the contrary).

I said to myself, if today is my very last day on earth, what would I want to be doing?

I went to Lowe’s and bought 15 pink rose bushes and spent the next week creating a Barbie Garden (complete with a metal Eiffel Tower that I painted pink!). It took my mind off world events and wore me out so much that I was in bed by 8 p.m. every night. 

For my birthday, Mr. Celtic Complexion, Mama Celtic Complexion and myself took a train trip in the Smoky Mountains.

I was a bit overdressed for the occasion (maybe because I was anticipating the Orient Express), but we were together and just enjoyed slowly watching the beautiful scenery glide by us.

While I appreciate having a clear head and critical thinking skills about what’s going on Out There, I refuse to let circumstances rob me of my peace, happiness and FUN In Here.

I am reminded to use my imagination to create a peaceful inner world that would represent to me how much I appreciate life.

I have found that when I share this joie-de-vivre with others, it not only makes them happy, but doubles my own happiness.

In other words, don’t serious yourself to death.

Incorporate as much playtime as you can in your life!

Do you remember in elementary school how much you enjoyed recess, art or music class? There’s a reason for that.

Many studies have shown how exercise, art and music help improve mental health. So why not incorporate all of them into your life?

Rather than go to a boring gym, why not dance through your housecleaning while listening to your favorite playlist?

Instead of listening to your gossipy friends, why not talk to your plants?

If you can’t go on a vacation, make your home a vacation. Look around you and create beauty so that it uplifts and inspires you. If you could wave your hand like a magic wand, what would your space look like?  

One of the things I am known for (in real life) is creating ambiance. I encourage people to get out of their comfort zone. I have a clothing rack that is filled with colorful and sparkly clothing and I give everyone something fun to wear while sipping on Champagne cocktails.

At first they think I am ridiculous (mostly my mom – but you’d think after 55 years, she would be used to it), but then they slowly see how much fun it can be.

For example, for my birthday, I had everyone wear a red wig – and I dubbed us The Redhead Dolly’s! Inspired by Dolly Parton’s Dallas Cowboy’s halftime show. You can imagine the face of the newcomer (my cousin’s girlfriend who I had just met for the first time).

We laughed and laughed and it created a memory that will last a lifetime.

Now more than ever, it’s important that you create your own magic. Give yourself permission to make your own “E” ticket (you can see mine above in the header image) and then Use It.