Robert Ringer said “The quickest way to change one thing in your life is to change everything”, and boy did I change everything in my life since my last newsletter.

Before I tell you what changed, let me first thank every single person who wrote to me after my last newsletter. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but your notes humbled me, and made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my thought process.

I was channeling my inner William Wallace for sure when I wrote that newsletter. That speech always brings me to tears.

Even those who didn’t agree with me were very kind and gracious, and made room for different opinions.

That gave me so much hope for humanity and proved to me that when you speak from the heart (instead of through passive-aggressive memes for example), people can feel the intention of love in your words.

My inbox is Always open to anyone who wants to discuss current events, so feel free to reach out and share your thoughts or opinions. Sometimes it’s easier to share with someone who doesn’t know you in person than sharing with your own family or friends.

So on to what’s happened since my last newsletter.

I’m not sure if it was the thought of Armageddon, the fall of Rome or the feeling of “what shoe is going to drop next?” that made me remember my Girl Scout Oath.

After a much needed pep talk and plan of action from Andy Frisella I did a 180 with my health at warp speed. I put together a plan of action (using Andy’s #75HardChallenge template) and my results in just 30 days were:

  • Lost 14 lbs
  • High blood pressure returned to normal
  • BMI went down 3 points
  • Lost 5% body fat
  • Gained 4% muscle

I see a cardiologist every month to weigh in and get my blood pressure checked, and they made me get on the scale twice because they couldn’t believe the numbers.

My blood pressure reading was 118/76 (versus my average of 140’s/90’s range).

My exact protocol is this (I hyperlinked them so you can get more info):

* Changed to a  carnivore diet – zero cheating, zero sugar, zero alcohol

* Drank 1 gallon of water per day

* Exercised/moved every single day a combination of: Block Therapy, Kangoo Jumps (rebounding boots), Whole Body Vibration, inversion board,stretching and getting at least 15 minutes of sun exposure/day (before 8 am).

Those changes gave me more energy, so I was able to start doing projects that I have wanted to always do, such as developing some digital courses to share my knowledge with more people.

I am happier so my marriage is better, my friendships are better, I’m having more fun and I’m more optimistic.

I feel like I am in training for a better future, no matter what happens in this crazy world. I can’t control what’s happening out there, but I can sure as heck control what happens inside myself.

I don’t know what the future holds but for me, this is only the beginning. 

I’m sharing this with you because you have the power to create great change in your life too, you just have to silence all the naysayers (heck, don’t even tell them) and ask for the guidance, then follow it without doubting.