They say you are in fact three people; who you were, who you are and who you will become.

Sometimes those three people can appear over a lifetime, a year or in a very instant.

I for one would not recognize the person I was at 20, 30 or even 40. In fact, life didn’t start getting interesting until my late 40’s!

With all that has changed since 2020, there is a lot to be grateful for too, if you just look for it.

I can see and understand more now. The wisdom and knowledge I’ve gained over the past three years has fertilized the soil of my soul. The soil that holds the remains of the many versions of myself.

For the first time in my life I feel grounded…to things that really matter.

As hard as this year has been, I will always seek joy and  paint a colorful world to play in. Yes, play.

I remember a movie I saw that had a great impact on me in 1997, Life is Beautiful. If you haven’t seen it, do watch it. It taught me that no matter what the outer circumstances are, you can still be happy inside your world.

I listen to a lot of Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza’s work about quantum healing, and changing our programming. This year especially, I’ve really put it into practice because I looked around and saw that the world was becoming very dark and people were becoming very scared (and more programmed than ever before).

This is a great documentary called HEAL.

It explains in far greater detail how the mind has the ability to heal. Joe is in the documentary. I watched on Amazon Prime.

The outside world does have the ability to affect your health. Make sure you have some strategies in your back pocket to work through the more difficult times.

This is one such strategy that I use.  It had such an impact on me, that I tracked down the creator on LinkedIn and wrote her a thank you letter.

Don’t judge a video by it’s title either, there is wisdom in there that can change your life. Her techniques are now a part of my daily routine.

October was a very challenging month for me both physically, emotionally and professionally.

Covid and a bad ear infection slowed me down for ten days. Our mail was stolen from our mailbox. Someone placed a very large fraudulent order. I watched a few friends go through some very tough times. Four vendors we do business with closed their doors and not to mention what is happening on a global scale.

My beliefs and my tool box of solutions were really put to the test – and they both emerged stronger.

I don’t think things that are being thrown at us will ever stop – we just have to expect the unexpected, create clear boundaries and stay consistent with how we deal with them.

If you need guidance, ask for it and if you have a strategy that works, share it (and that include with me!).